Getting the site prepped

rwilson 0

Happy 35th Birthday to me! This post takes place a little over 5 years ago. As I said I decided to leave removing (and disposing of) the concrete slab from the old garage to the pros. Before Cleary could begin the slab needed to go and over 200 yards of fill needed to be brought in.

After a brutal 4 day weekend getting prepped for the excavators I waited. And waited. And waited some more. I nervously watched the days tick away wondering how the excavators were going to have the site prepped in time for Cleary’s anticipated start date. We were racing the clock to have the building up in time to have the concrete poured before it got too cold out and to be able to move everything out of the attached garage before the yard was covered in snow.

FINALLY the day before Clearly was to start everything happened at once! We setup our cat camera to be able to watch the progress remotely. (Cat’s name is not taco, we just really like tacos…)

It blew my mind how easily a mini excavator broke up the concrete.
Clearly showed up with the materials at the same time.
I stood there for a long time looking at those 40′ trusses. I couldn’t help but think that they were only 4′ narrower than my lot was wide at my last house!
Meanwhile the excavators were getting started.
It seemed like the trucks were never going to stop coming.

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