One lift is good but…

rwilson 0

My original plan for the shop was to have one 2 post work lift and one 4 post storage lift. After my summer of parts swapping between Corvettes and having to put them back together and then roll them in and out of the shop bay I decided two 2 post work lifts would be fantastic.

While researching which lifts to buy I read through the instructions for Atlas, Dannmar, and Bendpak lifts and I had some serious suspicions that the Dannmar lifts were the same as the Bendpaks with minor differences. While chatting with Dannmar I was informed that Bendpak/Dannmar is a father/son relationship. Dannmar uses old Bendpak designs. Armed with that knowledge Dannmar lifts were my top pick as I really liked my Bendpak and since these lifts would not be used nearly as often as the Bendpak a budget version of the Bendpak lifts was perfect.

I decided on a Dannmar D-10 CX. It is a 10,000lb symmetrical (to complement my Bendpak 10,000lb asymmetrical lift. The symmetrical lift works better for longer vehicles like trucks but either lift can be used for any type of vehicle. I decided now was the time to also get my 4 post storage lift. I decided on a Dannmar D-7X (with optional 220v motor). This is an extra tall and long lift which would enable me to park my Ski Nautique boat under it with a car on top. Like my Bendpak both of these lifts are ALI-ETL certified.

Once they arrived the freight terminal I borrowed a trailer again and headed to the freight terminal to pick them up and dragged them home.

Mark headed over and helped me unload the 4 post and get it setup.

To get the runways up we unloaded them the same as we did the Bendpak. We picked them up with a chain and the engine crane and set them on furniture dollies and rolled them into position. We then used a floorjack and a 2*4 to get them set on the far crossbar. Up front we used the floor jack in the middle with a chunk of angle iron to pick up both sides and once and slide the columns under and then set it down.

With the heavy lifting done and structure bolted together I was able to complete the rest on my own. Just like the Bendpak that included running the hydraulic lines, lifting cables, lock arms, and power.

We have lift(off)!
Charlotte’s car was the first victim.
Truck (just barely) fits under.
I created an 80s corner.

Finally, got the Dannmar 2 post pallet broken down and set it down onto furnature dollies. It would remain there on dollies for TWO YEARS. Ugh!

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