We have heat!!!
With the heater up it was time to get the power and thermostat wiring done. This involved bending conduit for the first time. Granted it was only a single 90 degree bend which isn’t too difficult but I got it right on my first try which felt pretty good. I decided to hard wire it with a dedicated 12-2 circuit. That was probably not necessary as it only draws 6.5 amps (or about the same as my lights) but I only use 14 gauge wire for lighting circuits.
The HVAC contractors showed up to attach the gas line and install the vent. They told me the heater is the most securely mounted shop heater they have ever seen haha. They were surprised I already had the power and thermostat run. It took them about two hours to get the gas line drop down from the attic and the vent out the back wall.
Hot hot hot