
rwilson 0

Despite plans to put the second 2 post lift up when I bought it in 2017 and spending the better part of 2 years rolling it around the shop on the dollies while we worked on various projects it was finally time to install it! The day was July 4th 2019. Zach, Derek, and Mark helped stand up the towers and crossbar and I (with assistance as needed from Charlotte) did the rest of the install myself.

Zach, Derek, and Mark getting it done.

The plan was the same as the Bendpak 2 post hoist. Roll the towers into the approximate position on the dollies then three guys tip them up with the 4th keeping it steady. Next wiggle the towers into approximate position and dead lift the cross bar up and set it in place. Getting the crossbar up was definitely the hardest part.

Once the cross bar was in place we loosely tighten the bolts to the top of the columns and ensured the columns were plumb. Then it is as simple as drilling the holes and installing the concrete anchors.

With the structure up need to install locks, hydraulics, equalizer cables, and power.


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