AC Install

rwilson 0

I was told to be ready for the crew at 8am. They arrived at 7:38am. I don’t think I looked too good when I greeted them but that’s the way it goes for those of us who do overnight work and are generally night owls! I left two cars on lifts to show where the ductwork can and cannot go. We debated a few options and ultimately decided on one straight trunk down the middle stopping 10′ short of the front wall due to a garage door bracket.

By 3:30pm they had everything done except cutting in the registers and capping the end of the air duct:

I really appreciated their attention to detail. They avoided drilling any extra holes in the ceiling by replacing existing screws.
Easy access to replace the filter and do repairs from the mezzanine.
Nice and clean install out back too.
Seems I did a good job with AC disconnect box placement.

They returned the next morning and got the 8 registers cut in and installed on the ducting. They all point different directions to try to evenly cover the whole building.

They will return in a week or two once it warms up to 70 degrees outside to charge the AC and do an initial startup.

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