Category: Cars

Posts about my cars.

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Gen 3 LS Bench Harness (P01/P59)

For years I’ve read about people building bench harnesses which enable them to read and program

Supercharging the FRC 2.0 Part 2

I had originally planned to do a little tuning of my own before making the 1.5 hour drive to Waukasha

Supercharging the FRC 2.0

Like many other cars I have owned, my C7 Corvette is not mentioned in this blog because I sold it bef

I think it was mad at me

While not TECHNICALLY my first car…I drove a 1995 Mitsubishi Diamante for a few months before m

A Nice Surprise

Up to this point I haven’t done any maintenance to Charlotte’s F30 335 besides oil change

Stranded at work!

After ~7,500 miles on the supercharged setup and ~12,500 miles overall since buying the FRC it finall

Every Car Trailer needs a Winch

Just like my old car trailer I started out by using my old trusty “Come-Along” hand opera

Car Trailer

The last time I had a car trailer it was a utility trailer that I reinforced and added trailer brakes

No Highs…No lows?

With the seats upgraded the absolutely terrible stereo system needed to go. It was without a doubt th

Creature Comforts

After finishing up with the supercharger project I left the FRC interior apart as I had a couple pend